District 300 Pathways Program
District 300 Pathways Program
In alignment to District 300’s central mission, to ensure all students are college and career ready upon graduation, students who graduate from our schools will be prepared to effectively make post secondary and career decisions. The Pathways program offers aligned elective coursework, industry exposure and work-based internships to help students prepare for their post secondary goals.
Middle School
Middle school students will understand the concepts of career clusters, and further explore possible careers. Students will explore the relationships between community service, extracurricular activities, post secondary goals, and career goals.
High School
High school pathways will provide students with real world knowledge, experience, and skills to thrive in college classrooms and to compete for 21st century careers. Pathways include a sequence of recommended courses in select career fields, and many include opportunities for internships with our local businesses and/or the opportunity to earn an industry certification as a high school graduate.
To learn more about the individual Pathways and which school offers them, please click here.